RSC Break Closing Checkout
Please use this form to checkout for Summer break.

This form should be filled out by the last person leaving the room. If your roommate is leaving before you, they will not need to fill it out. 

Please contact your Resident Assistant if you have any further questions. 
Email *
For students who are not participating in commencement, move-out is 24 hours after your last final exam or Saturday, May 4th, at 11:00 AM-- whichever comes first.

For graduating seniors and those assisting with commencement, move-out is Sunday, May 12th at 11:00 AM. (If you are planning to stay on campus for senior week/commencement and/or during the Summer, you must complete the Summer Housing/Senior Week Housing Request Form.)
First Name: *
Last Name: *
ID Number: *
Sage Email: *
Residence Hall: *
Room Number: *
List any roommates under "other" separated by comma.
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Email Addresses of roommates (if applicable)
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Select your RA and their email address *
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